
Work with me


© 2019 | La Luz Portraits |

For a complimentary 30 minute Transformational Coaching Discovery Call on Zoom

Starting the journey of change

As your Transformational coach, I can…

guide you to become unstuck and become clear in what your heart desires are, to become empowered and confident to leap into something new with ease and grace and support you in defining an action plan to shift from where you are to where you want to be.

Coaching is solution-focused, providing you the opportunity to tap into your own wisdom to see things in a different light, to become aware of limiting perceptions and to shift your mindset to one of possibilities that allows you to choose your own happiness. 

I can partner with you to work to discover your purpose and next steps, to upscale your career or transition out of your current one, to gain confidence to achieve your personal and professional goals.

I will help support your journey of connecting to what makes you feel alive and stepping into who you really are. I will listen unconditionally and be a supportive, an empowering presence in your journey.

Receiving coaching gives you the opportunity to meet and work on life’s challenges, fulfill your potential, and live-in alignment with who you are.

I will help you change your inner story of “I can’t, it’s not possible, I have to sacrifice, I am not worthy” to “I can, it is possible, I am deserving, and I allow myself to live an authentic life, living my passion.”

“Your heart is the size of an ocean. Go find yourself in its hidden depths.”


I offer coaching packages of 1:1 sessions, group coaching, personal and professional development workshops in-person and virtually (Zoom)

Here are some common areas I help with.

Self discoverya


Exploring who you are, identifying your passions to help you find your path. Discover your hidden talents and abilities to envision and manifest the life you would like to lead.

Navigating decisions

Upgrading and transitioning into a career
Sometimes we have been in the same job or workplace for years and/or have outgrown where we are and needing support to move past doubts & fear about stepping into something new


Lifes transitions

Life Transitions

When you have a calling for a major change in your life and you feel torn or overwhelmed with fears/doubts. Discover the inner blocks and transform them to manifest your dreams and true desires.


For pricing, or to ask about my combination of Transformational and Fitness coaching


Fitness coaching

Do you struggle to fit fitness into your schedule? Whether it be a 30-minute workout or longer, whether you want to add regular exercise a couple times a week or more often, I can design a program for you that will be fun, effective, and safe. You can do workouts at home using minimum equipment like resistance bands, dumbbells, and body weight, or in the gym where there is a greater variety of equipment available. We can do online sessions with Zoom or train outdoors (when possible).

For a 30-minutes complimentary fitness consultation

Your fitness Trainer

My approach to fitness training

My philosophy to training is wholehearted: being mindful that exercise and mindset go hand in hand. I empower clients to live with more self-awareness and vitality. I believe that taking care of your health is a wonderful gift that you give to yourself, and the benefits and impacts are endless: more energy and joy, more confidence, more physical and mental strength, and healthy habits that could last a lifetime.


I design training programs

and I help you stay on track and stay motivated. Your personalized program can focus on:









but most of all


Author unknown
© 2019 | La Luz Portraits |

I would

As your fitness coach


guided instruction on proper technique and form

Help you

shape and reach your fitness goals and optimize performance

Help make

training challenging and enjoyable

Here are my


One-time session

  • Conduct a functional movement assessment and develop a customized program for you to meet your goals

Six sessions including fitness assessment

  • Mobility and functional movement assessments
  • Five one-on-one training sessions

Everything in Start-Up and more

  • 12 sessions total
  • Exploration session
  • We follow up with a second mobility and functional assessment in the sixth session

30 minute workout plans


  • Functional movement assessment and develop a 30-minute customized workout to meet your needs.

For pricing, or to ask about my combination
Transformational + Fitness coaching


I am a natural born leader. I led groups and committees from a young age. In my career, I often provide leadership and strategic guidance. Over the years I have learned the importance of leading from a heart-centered place with consciousness of my own actions and words, and of leading as I would like to be led. Wholehearted leadership means sometimes having those uncomfortable conversations, leaning into vulnerability, being conscious of our impact on others, seeking participation and expression, and being inclusive.
To book a thirty-minute complimentary leadership coaching consultation to exchange with you on your goals as a leader, what kind of leader you want to become, and what your needs are, click here

As your leadership coach, I can:

  • Help you uncover limiting perceptions that are keeping you from thriving as a leader
  • Support you in developing self-awareness and connection to your truest self and how you want to inspire and impact others
  • Provide guidance and strategies on how to confront uncomfortable situations and uncertainty.


Spark Session

A 60-minute session to work through a specific challenge that you are experiencing now.

Building your Inner Toolbox Sessions

3—5 sessions of practical tips in the below areas:

Transformational + Fitness coaching Combo

Exercise and mindset go hand in hand and are interdependent. Align taking care of our bodies and minds and see major benefits to your overall health and wellbeing. 

© 2019 | La Luz Portraits |